Interventional Radiology is a clinical sub-speciality of Radiology where Radiologists (Doctors) apply minimally invasive techniques using image guidance such as CT and ultrasound to help manage pain (injection), remove fluid (drainage/aspiration) or take a sample of tissue (biopsy). At Cloud Radiology we specialise in all spinal, musculoskeletal (MSK) and breast interventional procedures. We also perform biopsies for the diagnosis of abnormal lumps and bumps that previous imaging may have found.
The time it takes depends on the procedure taking place. It normally takes 10-15 minutes for routine Ultrasound injections. It can take 15-20 minutes for routine CT injections. Any other advanced interventional procedures such as biopsies can take longer. Please call your preferred site to arrange an appointment.
Depending on the body part being examined, the patient may be required to wear a gown. One of our friendly radiographers may also ask you to remove jewellery and/or body piercings.
At Cloud Radiology we use the newest digital equipment for our Interventional Imaging. This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible. Anytime you pierce the skin there is a risk of bleeding and infection. Cloud Radiology’s sterile procedures aims to reduce these risks. Any specific risks limited to the procedure you are due to have will be communicated to you at the time of the procedure.
Please contact us on (07) 21122000 for more information.
The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.